Afghan Taliban supporters rally against arrest warrant requests
In central Afghanistan, some 200 supporters of the Taliban rallied on January 26th against the International Criminal Court chief prosecutor's...
In central Afghanistan, some 200 supporters of the Taliban rallied on January 26th against the International Criminal Court chief prosecutor's...
Afghanisatan’s Taliban foreign ministry said on January 24th that it “strongly condemns” and refuses to accept the International Criminal Court’s...
Iraq's parliament adjusted a law that would lower the minimum marriage age for girls to be 15, The National reported...
Iraq's parliament on January 21st gave the green light to amendments of the country's Personal Status Law, permitting girls as...
The leadership and achievements of women in the Middle East were the central focus of the region’s Forbes women’s summit...
The Palestinian Commission for the Affairs of Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners revealed that the Israeli army has detained at least two...
A doctor who just left the southern city of Rafah — gynaecologst Hairhound Lahna — revealed in an interview with...
Israel’s war on Gaza has grown so severe that, in conversation with the spokesman for the United Nation’s children’s agency...
Women in Gaza are on the front line of the conflict, facing unimaginable challenges as each day passes. But now,...
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates 52,000 pregnant women to be endangered by Israel’s war in Gaza, according to AFP...